Wednesday, May 20, 2015

9 December 2013

Yes, FREEZING. Last night we were tracting in -2 degrees... it was quite the experience. Like, our boots literally froze to the ground every time we got out the car. Good Times...

We saw a lot of blessings this week because we took the time to carefully plan out the week. I have such a testimony of weekly planning it's ridiculous. If we do not consciously make time for something or someone during the week, there is no way that it's ever going to get done! How in the world did I survive college without weekly planning?? MIRACLE. We had a lot of doors open and a really cool experience with Blanca, on of our investigators.

We had been giving her some time because she wasn't really progressing, she was too busy with work to make the time to complete the commitments we asked of her so we gave her some space until work slowed down. During weekly planning (eh, eh, eh) we decided to see her and we came up with something to teach her. Well we saw her, and she happened to mention that she MADE TIME TO GO TO CHURCH... except the WRONG CHURCH. she went to the catholic church a couple weeks ago and said that she never wants to go back again! Her family arrived and felt super uncomfortable. They had nowhere to sit, the kids were crying, they felt hot and sweaty and totally uncomfortable. They knew they shouldn't be there... so her little boy named Said (but pronounced Sigh-eed..yeah....) said: "vamos con las mormonas!" or lets go with the Mormons. but of course by that point they were so exasperated that they didn't want to go to ANY church so they went home. Talk about "by the mouth of babes" right?!?! super cool. so we taught her what we had planned and it turned out awesome. We are hoping to see her at church this week but she works every Sunday.. we will see what we can do.

Also, it snowed so much that we got to help a couple people shovel their side-walks, it was so fun!

OH. miracle/blessing. some elders in our District had 5.... I mean like 5(!!!) baptisms in ONE DAY. yeah it was amazing. Those elders have been working so hard and those people were so prepared. Super cool.

(sorry it's so scattered, I have random notes about what I wanted to write and I don't have much time left....)

so funny story. We ate dinner last night with some members from the Branch and a little bird flew in because it  is absolutely freezing outside... Bro. Nacho (hahahahha) caught it and we were passing him (the bird, not the brother...) around cause he was way cool. I mean come on, who catches a bird?? Well anyways, a little girl had it and accidently let him go and BOOM he flew straight into a window.. Poor guy, it was so funny. So we caught him again and Bro. Nacho opens the door and the girl freaks out cause she wants to be the one to set him free... and she does... but like .5 seconds after the bird starts flying enjoying his freedom WHEN A HAWK COMES OUT OF NOWHERE AND KILLS HIM!! hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha. I was dying. It was the saddest/funniest thing I had ever seen in my life! I really didn't know whether to laugh or cry....

Oh man, I wish I had more time to talk about all the crazy things that happen around here.. I promise I am doing missionary work, even though I never write about my investigators.... I am learning to love new people and trust that this is where I am supposed to be, I promise.

Something really cool that I learned this week starts with a quote: "it requires less character to discover the faults of others than to tolerate them". I haven't ever really had a quote hit me with so much power recently... How easy it is to discover the weaknesses of others, let's be honest, it is easily one of the very first things we do when we meet/see another person. Boy have I learned that's true on my mission. Doors close almost immediately because they read the tag and want nothing to do with it.... WHYYYYYY?!?! and then I remembered.. wait a second... didn't I have "that one thought" about "that one person" that we met "that one time".... How can I expect doors to open when I can't keep myself from thinking ______ about a fellow missionary, a member in the ward, or a complete stranger??? I have very quickly learned that missions are to prepare you for the rest of your life... For example, if I am on a mission and constantly thinking about home or school or anything that's not right here and right now for 18 months... how can I expect to focus on ONE THING such as my marriage for ETERNITY. If I can't dedicate myself to the Lord for this limited time how can He trust me with other aspects of my life? Interesting. So as I humble myself and learn to rely on the Lord to change those things that are completely ridiculous about me I am showing Him a greater desire/commitment to His work. This happens in life all the time. None of us are perfect, we all have something to change. We cannot expect things to change right away, it is something we must work on continually, with the help of our Savior ANYTHING CAN CHANGE. I can become 100% committed to the work. I love this gospel, it truly is a gospel of CHANGE--but only if we let it. All of our weaknesses WILL BE MADE STRENGTHS (Ether 12:27).

I love you all, thank you for your prayers and support. Have a wonderful week!

Yes, its 5 degrees today....

E. Alvarado, Hna. Rex, Me, E. Nelson, E. O'Bryant, E. Twitchell

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