I have come to the conclusion of a few things today...
First: Sunday is the blogging day for me.
B: Mom will ALWAYS, without fail keep the house at a solid 80 degrees when you're taking a nap,
be prepared to wake up with your blanket on the floor cause its so dang hot...
III: Never teach a Young Women's lesson in ways that will make the girls competitive...
It doesn't end well for the teacher. They will remember the cookies but not your lesson.
I am at 50% with my lessons... half good, half bad. Not good...
I am at 50% with my lessons... half good, half bad. Not good...
Fourth: Never take your mother for granted... Even if she makes the house and oven....
With that said, let me tell you why I forget the great worth of mothers.... It has been a very, very long time since the last time I was asked to babysit anyone but my sister. So long in fact, that I don't remember who it was or if it actually happened. Sister R from the Young Women's called me up to see if I could babysit her 18 month old while she and her husband go see the Harry Potter movie. She informed me that he would be asleep by the time I got there so it wouldn't be much of a problem. I didn't have to think about it much since it sounded so easy so I agreed... Little Beckett was most certainly not asleep when I got there. I let him babble for half an hour before I decided to give him a bottle to help settle him down...
BAD idea. He had no idea who I was, he started to scream and cry.. "Great," I thought, "What am I supposed to do now?". To make a very long story short I held him most of the night trying to get him to sleep... 45 minutes before his parents got home that little bugger finally fell asleep. I walked away with puke on my shirt and a bruised ego.. but other than that I loved it.
How does this relate to my mother? Well besides the obvious reason of being a mother, I was ten times worse than Beckett as a baby. So bad that my mom held me half the night and my grandma held me the other half... No matter what they did or how many hymns they sung I wouldn't stop crying. 19 years later.... I'm falling asleep EVERYWHERE. Not to mention the uncontrollable yawning that comes when I hear "I am a child of God.." *and yes, I did just yawn while typing that...* My mom and my grandma sang that for the longest time trying to get me to sleep, it apparently left a mark... I am grateful for mothers. I know I should have probably left this for mother's day next year but hey, by the time my mom reads this it probably will be.
BAD idea. He had no idea who I was, he started to scream and cry.. "Great," I thought, "What am I supposed to do now?". To make a very long story short I held him most of the night trying to get him to sleep... 45 minutes before his parents got home that little bugger finally fell asleep. I walked away with puke on my shirt and a bruised ego.. but other than that I loved it.
How does this relate to my mother? Well besides the obvious reason of being a mother, I was ten times worse than Beckett as a baby. So bad that my mom held me half the night and my grandma held me the other half... No matter what they did or how many hymns they sung I wouldn't stop crying. 19 years later.... I'm falling asleep EVERYWHERE. Not to mention the uncontrollable yawning that comes when I hear "I am a child of God.." *and yes, I did just yawn while typing that...* My mom and my grandma sang that for the longest time trying to get me to sleep, it apparently left a mark... I am grateful for mothers. I know I should have probably left this for mother's day next year but hey, by the time my mom reads this it probably will be.
I feel like this post will not be complete without some kind of picture....
There we go, that should do it. I have a slight obsession with owls... get over it. Maybe it'll help me seem more wise. or something like that.