Wednesday, May 20, 2015

11 November 2013

Well, lets get down to it... I have been transferred to Rupert! I have completely mixed feelings about it because I am in love with this place. I love the people here and I love the work that has been done. I will miss it here so much but I am excited to see what Rupert has in store. I will be with sister Rex again and we will be the Sister Training Leaders for that area. I am nervous for the calling but I am looking forward to being able to serve the Spanish sisters in the mission.
This whole week was a disaster, transfers always makes me so nervous but I love to see where everyone goes. I was just really happy that this week we were really busy so we didn't have much time to worry about it. Well, I didn't.. Hna. Martinez was like freaking out the whole week! We survived though and she is so happy to stay, especially since the Juarez's will be baptized during this next transfer.
Dalia is AMAZING. when we showed up for our appointment this week she had done all her homework" and was sitting at the table with the Book of Mormon out and everything, oh I love her so much. She said that she had been praying every day this week but that she has yet to receive an answer but that she won't give up. It was funny cause her husband teased her about reading and praying and asked her "oh are you going to be a Mormon now?" and all she said  was "I'm going to do my research first and ask God. If he says yes, well then yes!" apparently his faced dropped cause he was not expecting that. haha, she laughed when she was telling us this. Her husband is not a member but he grew up with a ton of friends who were and attended for a few years when he was young. He is nervous about meeting with us (I think it's cause he knows its true!) but he likes that Dalia is learning more about the church. That family is so great, I know Sister Martinez and her new companion will do great!
Oh my, funniest story ever. So yesterday we went to church at Raft River and from the moment we walked in it smelled like gas... Everyone one noticed it and the bishopric said they were working on it so we went on with RS like nothing happened... Like 10 minutes later bro. Hernanez comes in saying that we are going to cancel church, just go straight to Sacrament after RS. Well here come Norma, one of our investigators down the hall with Letti who is a member. What a great day to have an investigator at church, when the building reeks like Gas and church is cut short! haha. Oh man it was funny. We got to explain to Norma about the sacrament and although the smell was strong, we were able to feel the spirit twice as strong! It was a little miracle in our lives to have it work out as well as it did.
After church we were invited to eat at Remy's house with everyone and Norma asked us to come with so we did. We had some AMAZING Mexican food to top off the wonderful experience we had at church. Another funny thing, I have always noticed how much Hispanics love taking pictures but the people in this ward take it to a whole new level! I swear, we took like 1000 pictures just to get ONE t hat looked right. It was so funny.
Man, I wish I had time to explain everything else that happened this week but I don't. so I'll just add a few pictures and let you know about it later!
I love you all, be ready for a really long email next week because things are about to get crazy! The church is true!
Hermana Calero

Amparo (Remy's sister), Jenny, Luz, and all their kids!

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