Wednesday, May 20, 2015

4 Nov 2013

Wow this week was absolutely insane. It was SO busy. The Lord has really blessed us as we do our part to be diligent and accomplish everything that He requires of us. Patience is definitely not my strong suit but I can see the Lord's hand in helping me change. 

This week we were called to translate at the funeral of Allan Webb. They had the funeral service for him on Saturday and we were asked to translate because many of the people who would attend are spanish workers at his dairy. I was really nervous because I had only been to one other funeral and that was AGES ago and I definitely didn't have to translate. Not to mention I didn't know the person as well as I knew Allan. He had so much love for everyone, he was the kind of guy who you felt like you were friends for years. He treated everyone with kindness and respect, regardless of who they were or what they had done. It was amazing to see such a diverse group of people show up to honor him and pay their respects. Of course I spent half the serving crying but only because the spirit was strong and we could really feel him there. He was everyone's grandpa, he loved missionary work and he loved to share the gospel. It was really a blessing to be able to be a part of the service and learn about his life through his children's eyes. 

We met with a new investigator this week. Her name is Dalia and she is AMAZING. Her and her husband have the cutest girls! they are from Mexico but her husband is from here in idaho. They have had a lot of exposure to the church so it almost makes it easier because they have so many questions. The lesson was definitely guided by the spirit because she asked us some really hard questions. It reminded me of what Elder Cardon of the70 told us in our mission conference last week: "you are here because of what you've felt, not because of what you know". The spirit testified to us what and how it was that we should answer and as we followed the promptings she was able to receive an answer that not only was "good enough" but that really got her thinking. She invited us to return, promising to read from the Book of Mormon and to pray about what we had taught. She is really interested because her sister-in-law is a member and she has a lot of questions, she really loves the way her sister-in-law has raised her family strong in the church and wants the same for her kids. We are really excited to work with her!

In other news, the Juarez family has set a date! yaaaay! They have decided on December 12. They were really good friends with Allan Webb and he made them promise him that they would be baptized before he died.. of course, not knowing it would happen so soon they agreed. His death hit them really hard, they had not only worked for him for over 25 years but had really become good friends. They chose the 12th because that was Allan's birthday. I am so happy for the Juarez family, they are incredible and needed to make that step. I am excited to keep working with them and helping them achieve their goal. We hope to meet with them this week but their schedules are always so busy! Keep praying for them, they are amazing! 

Oh duh! I forgot to talk about halloween! It was a lot of fun! We had 2 trunk-or-treat to go to with 2 wards so we got fed 2 dinners... not to mention Naomi suprised us with making Sloppy Joes (my favorite :)) and pumpkins to carve! She is so sweet. So basically we had 3 dinners and carved pumpkins! haha. We had to be home by 6 so we had all evening to kill! We played some games with Naomi and had a really good time. We are so spoiled by the Robinson family! 

Well, I think that's really all the exciting stuff that happened this week. We had a lot of appointments and saw a lot of people. We love it out here and are terrified because transfer calls will be next Sunday. Hopefully Monday we will be able to write and let you guys know what happened! Pray that I stay here, just one more transfer! (okay I really want 2 more but that won't happen...)

Oh and for you who asked about Elder Silver, here is his update from President Curtis from last week: 

"Elders and Sisters,

First, an update on Elder Silver: The speed and extent of Elder Silver’s recovery to date have been miraculous. Every day has brought significant progress towards recovery. By mid-week, Elder Silver was eating solid foods (including the tootsie rolls sent from his zone), walking with some assistance, and listening to and discussing the powerful book, Jesus the Christ.

By Thursday, he had been moved from the ICU to a regular hospital room and then to the Rehab unit on the top floor. He continues to do well with the evaluations of his memory and other capabilities and has enjoyed visits from family members. He is walking and climbing stairs with less support. Elder Silver still has a long way to go including about three months before reattaching the portion of his skull and likely some months of therapy after that, but his progress so far is exceptional.

We are grateful for God’s healing powers."

He has now been released from the hospital and is spending some time with his family in Utah so that he can continue with rehabilitation! truly a miracle. Thank you all for your prayers towards him. 

I love you all, thank you for all the emails! 

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